Find Your Ministry

Do you sing? Can you dance? Can you read? Do you like to serve? Do you like to cook? Do you want to give back? Do you want to play an active role in the liturgy? Do you like to clean? Do you like to decorate? Do you enjoy sharing your gifts?
If you can answer yes to any one of these questions we want your talent! Our community is only possible to accomplish the many ministries and outreach programs because of individuals like you who dedicate countless hours. At Sts. Peter and Paul there is a ministry and way for everyone to get involved. Explore the various ministries below and reach out to use your talents to enrich our liturgy and outreach programs!

Choir and Music Ministry
Contact Kathy Doerr
Do you love to sing? Do you play a musical instrument? Are you looking to share your gifts with our parish? If so, we'd love to have you join us in our choir ministry and music to the homebound ministry!
Church Design
Contact Cheryl Niehoff
Have a knack for interior design? Good at crafting, sewing or another talent? Enjoy arranging flowers? Bring your design talents to help us in choosing proper decor for our liturgical celebrations and future building renovations!
Education & Community Formation
Contact the Parish Office
A large part of our Catholic identity is formation through religious education and community building. Whether it be through book clubs, speaker series, RCIA, or teaching about Catholic doctrine and dogma we need volunteers to help craft and develop educational series for the parish! Additionally, this group works to bring social events to the parish to grow friendships.
Eucharistic Ministry
Contact Tom Korte
Serve others by becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the Most Holy Eucharist. Through the training program you will become an approved minister that can help in the reception of the Eucharist at our parish and throughout the universal Church.
Lector Ministry
Contact Stephen Sukanek
Serve the parish with your oratory skills by proclaiming the Word of God at our Masses. We are always in need of lectors to read the holy word on Sundays.
Liturgical Dance Ministry
Contact Suzanne Tushar
"Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with tambourine and lyre!" Psalm 149: 3 Join our liturgical dance ministry and help us in worship to praise God through dance. No experience necessary! All are welcome!
Server Ministry
Contact Cathy Weisbrod
Server God and your parish community by becoming an active altar server for Saints Peter and Paul. No prior experience necessary. Training will be provided.
Social Services & Social Justice
Contact Jan Meyer
Do you believe in serving the poor? Do you believe in being a voice for the voiceless? Do you demand action to help the most vulnerable in our community? Then we need your voice! Help us live out the Gospel through action by joining and being an active voice of justice with Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church!
Stewardship & Community
Contact Bob Juergens
Stewardship is much more than tithing. It is using your time, talent, and resources to serve the greater good of the Church. Consider joining our stewardship committee and impacting the parish by brainstorming and developing ways to engage our parish, use our talents, and be an active advocate for our Soulard community.
Usher/Greeter Ministry
Contact Jerry Whalen
Have a warm personality? Love connecting with people? Wanting to serve the parish in a way that requires little time commitment but is meaningful? Consider becoming an usher and greeter for Sunday Masses. This work is some of the most important to make our parishioners and visitors feel welcome the moment they step inside the door!