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Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church thanks those parishioners who have volunteered their time and talents to serving in a ministerial role for the celebration of the liturgy.
Please find the minister schedules for upcoming masses below.

Usher/Greeter Schedule
Lector Schedule
June 20: Karen Rothery / Hilda Wilman
June 27: Joe Whyte / Leanne McCrate
July 4: Jeanne Marie Kelly / Phil Wilman
July 11: Sr. Suzanne Giblin / Lynn Abernathy
July 18: Mary Kathryn Victor / Michelle Heitmann
July 25: Karen Rothery / Hilda Wilman
Aug 1: Joe Whyte / Leanne McCrate
Aug 8: Steve Sukanek / Jeanne Marie Kelly
Aug 15: Phil Wilman / Sr. Suzanne Giblin
Aug 22: Lynn Abernathy / Steve Sukanek
Aug 29: Mary Kathryn Victor / Michelle Heitmann
Eucharistic Minister Schedule
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