Young Catholic Musicians
The Young Catholic Musicians are talented young singers and instrumentalists, aged ten through eighteen, from throughout the Metro St. Louis area who form an orchestra and choir of one hundred and twenty musicians. These young people learn quality liturgical music, arranged for full orchestra and choir.
The choir consists of sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.
The orchestra is composed of strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion instruments.
The Young Catholic Musicians lead the music for Mass at various churches once each month giving strong support to the congregation during Mass, encouraging full and active participation.
These young musicians perform two concerts each year, a Christmas concert of sacred music and a Spring Concert featuring popular and patriotic music. The Christmas Concert is followed by a weekend tour in January and the Spring Concert is performed in May and followed by a nine day tour the second week of June. These tour destinations include: New York City, Washington, D.C., Toronto, Canada, Denver, New Orleans, etc.
The Young Catholic Musicians is open to young people from all religious traditions, realizing that their talents and services will most often be dedicated to the congregations at Catholic parishes.
Contact Information
To schedule an audition or for more information,
Fr. Bruce Foreman, Director of Music
Phone: 314-231-7464